Sunday, December 2, 2012

Adoption and Thoughts on Mommyhood

So here it is. My first blog post. If you don't already know, we announced our journey into the adoption process recently! So a little bit on that. Here are some questions we've been getting.
Q: Where will you adopt from?
A: We are adopting from Ethiopia. It could be a boy or girl, he or she could be alive already or not even conceived. Either way, he/she is in our hearts.
Q: How long will it take?
A: Right now, it could take 3, 4, or more years. That could always change, but we are prepared for a wait.
Q: So, can you not have biological children?
A: As far as we know that is still a possibility for us. Adoption is not a second choice for our family. It has been on our hearts for some time.

Here is a VERY brief overview of our thoughts on adoption.
We are adopted sons and daughters through Christ and we believe that we are called to defend the orphans of the world. Sadly, we live in a broken world where there are millions of orphans in need of forever families. Some are called to adopt, others to support those who do adopt. There is one thing I know; I can't look at the number of orphans in the world and do nothing.

If you know me at all, you know that I stinkin love kids! Did you know that I have wanted to be a teacher since Kindergarten? Kindergarten, people! I can't remember ever really wanting to be anything else...oh except one thing, a mom! Growing up, I pretty much thought that my mom was the best, greatest, most wonderful thing there ever was. I mean really, she drove countless road trips for twirling competitions, hosted the best sleepovers, and put up with two daughters through crazy teen years. That kind of love is something I can't wait to experience. I have no doubt that I will feel that kind of love any less for an adopted child than a biological child.

So there is a short introduction to this blog. Keep following to hear updates about our adoption. Much more to come!

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