Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Paper Chase

I promise I have not given up on blogging, though it may seem that way. I've been putting off writing a new post until I had something "postworthy" to write. If you're looking for that now, I still don't have it. Not a whole lot new and postworthy over here.

We are at the beginning of our paper chase. I can't begin to explain just how daunting this phase is. It is like being at one end of a very long tunnel...you know there has to be another end somewhere, but who knows how far away it is or what you might come across in the darkness until you get there. Don't get me wrong, we are super excited about this adoption and all of the paper work will be SO worth it in the end. It just feel like starting any new process. Although we aren't hitting any big milestones at the current time, we are really enjoying the community the adoption world has opened up to us.

About 7 months ago we moved to a fairly small town (to us, at least) of about 5,400. We thought for sure that we were the only ones in this community going through an international adoption. I think it is pretty normal of the human race to feel like the only one. Anyway, we have been attending a local church since we moved here and really enjoy it. When I met our friend, Karen, at church one Sunday and found out she and her family had adopted 5 times I was thrilled! I have since then been picking her brain about adoption topics. A few weeks ago Matt and I were approached by Karen and Julie, the serving team leader, after church. They offered to host a dinner for us at the church to fundraise for our home study fee. Can I just tell you, we are so blessed that we are a part of this community! It is so true that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him." He puts us right where we are supposed to be, surrounded by people He has chosen to put in our lives. Everyone in our church community has been so supportive. We have had several people at church introduce themselves and ask about our adoption or give encouraging words. This community has already been building a heart for adoption and they are just so sincere in their encouragement for us.

One question most people ask, if they don't already know, is where are we adopting from? When we tell them Ethiopia they often ask what led us to choose that country. My answer is usually the same, "I don't know exactly." For some reason, when Matt and I talked about adopting in the past I always had Ethiopia in mind. I think God has subtly been preparing my heart for Africa for a long time. I have always been drawn to its cultures along with its many needs. Every adoptive family we have heard from has just loved their time in Ethiopia. They are a culture who is friendly and compassionate. The country also faces many significant challenges. There are about 75 million people living in Ethiopia...a country about twice the size of Texas. There are also an estimated 4.3 million orphans. When you hear that number it is overwhelmingly sad. I think it is also easy to feel helpless. How can one couple adopting one child make a difference? Well, I can guarantee it makes a difference to that one child who can now grow up with a family who loves them. Alternatively, that child would most likely not get the chance to grow up and any growing they did would be in an orphanage or on the streets. It is estimated that 1 in 8 children in Ethiopia die before they are 5 years old. One less orphan makes a difference.

Not to be a downer or anything. Those are some reasons we are adopting from Ethiopia. Or as Karen put it, that's just how we picture our family. When I think of what our family will be like, I imagine an Ethiopian child in the picture. It feels right for us. I know that God will continue to prepare our hearts for this child.

Our next big step is our fundraising dinner and the home study! The home study is about $1,800 (out of our estimated $25,000 total). We will most likely have to update our home study before the whole process is over since it does expire.

Check back for updates! Thanks for reading, Laura.

*If you would like to help support our adoption check out the link to our fundraising page. We also have a Just Love Coffee shop for all you coffee lovers*